
Javier Barbero (Coordinator)
Lecturer in Economics
Department of Economics. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Short Bio

Javier Barbero has a PhD in Economics from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. After obtaining his PhD in 2016, he joined the Joint Research Center (JRC) of the European Commission, where he carried out scientific advisory work on the impact of European economic and innovation policies. In September 2022, he joined Universidad Autónoma de Madrid as Lecturer in Economics. His research focuses on ​​spatial economic analysis, regional development, innovation policy, and efficiency and productivity analysis.

Inmaculada C. Álvarez

Inmaculada C. Álvarez
Professor of Economics
Department of Economics. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Short Bio

Inmaculada C. Alvarez Ayuso is professor of Economics Autónoma de Madrid and member of the research of the Oviedo Efficiency Group.
Her main research is focused on using quantitative methods to analyze regional development, spatial economics, innovation, and efficiency and productivity.

Javier Bas

Javier Bas
Associate Professor in Economics
Department of Economics. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Short Bio

Javier Bas holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid and a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of Maryland. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Quantitative Economics at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid and a Research Associate at the University of Maryland, he has been a Visiting Professor at the University of Alcala. Javier teaches Introduction to Machine for Economics and Finance in the Master of Quantitative Economic Analysis, as well as Econometrics to undergraduate students. He is also currently supervising a doctoral thesis as well as several master’s theses. Javier has conducted several studies on consumer behavior analysis and welfare measures in the field of Transportation Economics, collaborating with other institutions such as Virginia Tech, Morgan State University, or Erasmus Research Institute of Management. He has also conducted research on electric vehicle diffusion using Artificial Intelligence tools. He is currently carrying out research on several Machine Learning applications such as user behavior in the use of Complete Streets, the diffusion of new technologies, the prediction of financial assets, brand survival, or synthetic population methods, among others. Javier also has completed research stays at the University of Maryland and Newcastle University and has participated in numerous international conferences where he has also acted as a panelist. Javier has participated and continues to participate in several projects for the State of Maryland (USA), as well as competitive R&D projects in Spain.

José L. Zofío

José L. Zofío
Professor of Economics
Department of Economics. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Short Bio

José Luis Zofío is a professor of Economics at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, and former Chair of the Department of Economics. He is also Visiting Professor at Erasmus University and Wageningen University and Research, and Visiting Fellow to the Erasmus Research Institute of Management ERIM, where he collaborates with several academics from the Rotterdam School of Management. His research interests are related to measurement theory in economics, in particular the use of index numbers for efficiency and productivity analysis, as well as spatial economics and trade theory. From an empirical perspective he undertakes multidisciplinary research, publishing numerous articles in top fields journals and book chapters related to environmental economics, transportation, innovation, and regional science. Finally, he has made several contributions in the field computational economics, with several packages for Matlab and Julia that focus on data envelopment analysis and regression methods.