Spatial Dependence Julia


SpatialDependence.jl is a Julia package for exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA), including functions for spatial weights matrices creation, testing for spatial dependence (spatial autocorrelation), and choropleth maps.

The package SpatialDependence.jl contains functions to create and handle spatial weights matrices from polygon and point geometries. It also has functions for calculating spatial lags, test for spatial autocorrelation, and plotting choropleth maps.

The package takes advantage of Julia multi-threading features to increase performance if Julia is started with multiple threads.

See the last stable version documentation to learn how to use it.

The package is currently under heavy development, with more functionality coming soon.

Main functionality

Spatial Weights Matrices

  • Polygon contiguity: Queen and Rook.
  • Points distance threshold.
  • Points K nearest neighbors.

Global Spatial Autocorrelation

  • Moran’s I.
  • Geary’s c.

Local Spatial Autocorrelation

  • Local Moran.
  • Local Geary.
  • Getis-Ord Statistics.
  • LISA Cluster Map.

Choropleth Maps

  • Graduated: Equal Intervals, Quantiles, Natural Breaks, Custom Breaks.
  • Statistical: Box Plot, Standard Deviation, Percentiles.
  • Unique Values.
  • Co-location.


SpatialDependence.jl is being developed and maintained by Javier Barbero.