Total Factor Productivity Toolbox is a package for MATLAB that includes functions to calculate the main Total Factor Productivity indices and their decompositions, based on Shephard’s distance functions and using Data Envelopment Analysis programming techniques. The package includes code for the standard Malmquist, Moorsteen-Bjurek, price weighted and share weighted TFP indices, allowing for the choice of orientation (input or output), reference period (base, comparison, geometric mean), returns to scale (variable or constant) and specific decompositions (aggregate or identifying scale effects as well as input and output mix effects). Classic definitions of TFP corresponding to the Laspeyres, Paasche, Fisher or Törnqvist formulations can be also calculated as particular cases.


Total Factor Productivity Toolbox and two accompanying Working Papers are available to download. The first one describes the toolbox and how to use it. The second one discusses the underlying theory associated to quantity-only and price-based productivity indices:

Total Factor Productivity Toolbox:
The source code and all the examples are available to download from the following repository on GitHub:

Journal Paper (Toolbox):

Balk, B.M. & Barbero, J. & Zofío, J.L. (2020), A toolbox for calculating and decomposing Total Factor Productivity indicesComputers & Operations Research, Volume 115 (104853), 1-23

Working Paper (Theory):

The Many Decompositions of Total Factor Productivity Change (Working Paper) [Link to IDEAS]

Note: the most recent version of the toolbox can be downloaded from the repository by clicking the “Download ZIP” button on the right, or clicking here


Bert M. Balk, Javier Barbero, and José L. Zofío.

How to cite

Please, cite Total Factor Productivity Toolbox as:

Balk, B.M. & Barbero, J. & Zofío, J.L. (2020), A toolbox for calculating and decomposing Total Factor Productivity indicesComputers & Operations Research, Volume 115 (104853), 1-23

Balk, B.M. & Zofío, J.L., (2018). The Many Decompositions of Total Factor Productivity ChangeERIM Report Series Research in Management ERS-2018-003-LIS, Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What is Total Factor Productivity Toolbox?

Total Factor Productivity Toolbox is a package for MATLAB that includes functions to calcula the main Total Factor Productivity indices and their decompositions.

Is it free to use Data Envelopment Analysis Toolbox?

Total Factor Productivity Toolbox is free to use, but if you use it please acknowledge
the hard work behind it, and cite it as reference. See “How to cite“.

Which Total Factor Productivity indices are available in Total Factor Productivity Toolbox?
  • TFP indices:
    • Malmquist.
    • Moorsteen-Bjurek.
    • Price weighted.
    • Share weighted.
  • Orientation:
    • Input.
    • Output.
  • Reference period:
    • Base.
    • Comparison.
    • Geometric mean.
  • Returns to scale:
    • Variable.
    • Constant.
  • Specific decompositions:
    • Aggregate.
    • Scale effects.
    • Input mix effects.
    • Output mix effects.
Is Total Factor Productivity Toolbox open source?

The source code of Total Factor Productivity Toolbox is available for download and it is distributed under the GNU GPL-3 license.

What is the license of Total Factor Productivity Toolbox source code?

The source code of Data Envelopment Analysis Toolbox is distributed under the GNU GPL-3 license.

What is the oldest version of MATLAB I can use to run Data Envelopment Analysis Toolbox?

Total Factor Productivity Toolbox was developed using MATLAB 9.3 (R2017b), but it might run in older versions.

Do I need any other Toolbox to use TFP Toolbox?

The oficial “Optimization Toolbox” is needed.